Seeing eye to cat-eye: November 2004

Monday, November 22, 2004


I've converted a dog recently.

Check this out.


Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Feline routine

*Yawn* *Streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch*

Yes Dan, cats have a lot of free time.

Let's see, what's a typical day like?

- Wake up
- Stretch & scratch a little
- Walk about my territory, chasing out any trespassers
- Find nice spot to sun
- Nap again
- Wake up stretch a little
- Back to nap
- Lunch
- Lie down somewhere & watch the world go by, or...
- Nap
- Walk around & see if there's anything exciting
- Find a nice spot
- Nap
- Dinnertime
- Nap
- Dinner (part 2)
- Nap
- Can't sleep, go see if there's anything exciting
- End day with sleep

Of course on some days, there may be some exciting things happening. On weekends, this church that I'm staying in has ppl coming down. I will try to mind my own business, but sometimes they may not leave me alone. Bah.. humans are irritating. I'll just walk away & find another spot to nap.

Sometimes I go down & visit the other felines in the area, or go bully some other weak felines nearby. Hey, I need to keep in condition in case I need to get into a cat fight ya'know. Besides, it serves as training for both of us. Those weaklings will only suffer more if they don't toughen up.

Anyway, time for my nap again.


Sunday, November 14, 2004


Oops, sorry. Forgot blogs are actually for humans.

Anyway, that was a welcome message. Welcome to the world of felines. This is set up to help u understand us felines a bit better, by seeing things through our eyes & since I'm blessed with this gift of being able to understand the human language of English as I roam this world, I guess I should be the one then to undertake such a task. Hah!

Who am I? Well, I'm a er... cat. What? What's my name? Eh... I don't have a name. Why do I need a name? Only pets have names. I'm a stray, self-respecting, freedom-loving, carefree stray. What's that? How should u address me? Oh ok, for the sake of convenience, u can just call me Catt.

What u'll find here are just some things that happen in a cat's world. Actually we cats ain't too different from u humans. In fact, I'd say that u humans learnt quite a bit from us. No? Well, one day u'll realise that then.

Ok, wasted enough time on this. I should be curling up somewhere nice & warm & catch a nice long nap now.


Meow meow meowwwww, meow meeoow meoow meow meow. Meow meow meeow meeeow meow meow meeeeow mmmmeow meooww meeeooww mmeeooww. Meow meow meooooow meeeeow meeooow mmeoww meow meeeeeeeeeow, meow meeeow mmeoow meow mew mew mew mew.

Mew mew mew mew, meow meow mew mew. Meeeeeowwww meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow. Meeeeow meeooow mmeoww mmmmeow meeoow meoow meeow meeeow.