Seeing eye to cat-eye: Translation

Sunday, November 14, 2004


Oops, sorry. Forgot blogs are actually for humans.

Anyway, that was a welcome message. Welcome to the world of felines. This is set up to help u understand us felines a bit better, by seeing things through our eyes & since I'm blessed with this gift of being able to understand the human language of English as I roam this world, I guess I should be the one then to undertake such a task. Hah!

Who am I? Well, I'm a er... cat. What? What's my name? Eh... I don't have a name. Why do I need a name? Only pets have names. I'm a stray, self-respecting, freedom-loving, carefree stray. What's that? How should u address me? Oh ok, for the sake of convenience, u can just call me Catt.

What u'll find here are just some things that happen in a cat's world. Actually we cats ain't too different from u humans. In fact, I'd say that u humans learnt quite a bit from us. No? Well, one day u'll realise that then.

Ok, wasted enough time on this. I should be curling up somewhere nice & warm & catch a nice long nap now.


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